This album was so much fun to work with. The client sent photo of little one's nursery & bedding and wanted something to match with it & all the bright colors.
Client also had request for each page that she was looking for and she wanted lot of journaling along with photos.
I designed lot of digital tags for this album.
When I saw the American Crafts - Tea Party Paper pack, I knew I had to get it for this album. They had bold & bright colors, floral & dot patterns that I was looking for. The colors matched very well as well.
Here is the picture of bedding -

Here is the album that I came up with -

Page 1 - Baby photo with Birth Details tag -

Page 2 & 3 - Welcome Baby & Pocket page with Announcement -

Page 4 & 5 - Pregnancy & Ultrasound photos with pocket page -

Page 6 & 7 - Baby Shower photos with pocket page with guest list, gift received tags -

Page 8 & 9 - Mom & Dad page with tags for letters -

Page 10 & 11 - Baby's Hand & Footprints & pocket page for tracking baby's growth tags - Lots of custom designed tags on this page like - Immunization Record, Growth Chart, Babysitter Info, Friends/Playmates, Pediatrician Info -

Page 12 & 13 - Baby's Daily Routine & pocket page - again lot of custom designed tags - 1 for each month ( date, height, weight, new this month ) to journal baby's growing -

Page 14 & 15 - Baby's Firsts & Favorites - Custom designed tags like - Favorite Toys, Favorite Songs, Favorite Books, Favorite Recipes -

Page 16 & 17 - Baby's Firsts & Holidays ( Valentines, Easter, 4th of July ) -

Page 18 & 19 - Holidays ( Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas ) -

Page 20 - Baby's First Birthday -

If you would like a custom album made for you tailored to your needs, please contact me at for more details and pricing.